Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Girl hacks

Hey Lily buds,

Hope everyone has been great, I just want to say my absence doesn't mean I'm ignoring this blog..just busy with life. I miss y'all as always. Today I just want to keep things light and easy because that has been the theme for me all day thus far. We should try to relax as much as we "go hard". Moving right along I come across many women in the most random places that know so little about they're own bodies and the simple and I do mean simple ( most times inexpensive) things to do to keep us going while feeling and looking great! This post will be dedicated to exploring some of my favorites, I'am no beauty expert but I am a woman who knows that nature is truly a girls best friend. Except for PMS that heifer aint got nothing coming from me! BUT I even have a tip to help with that.

* As mentiond previously PMS (bloating, pimples, cramps etc) we anticipate it monthly some of us even dread getting our period. Simple tips: Cut all diary or as much as possible a week or two before you're actual cycle and add pineapple juice to your diet (Muva Badu) recommended this recently but before she did a sister/mother/healer in my community also gave the same advice. Trust me when I tell you it has signficant results!
* Whiter Teeth ( baking soda or coconut oil) seriously though how many of you can go in your cabinets and pull out one or both of these items? Which together will still total under $10 depending on the quantity and brand. I like to alternate with between the two which yielded the best results, a quick caution on using baking soda every day ladies it can eat away at the enamal in your teeth if used too frequently.
* Discolored skin ( baking soda, lemon juice, potato thickly sliced) this is one that I've personally been working with for a few weeks now. Over the years when I didnt know any better I ruined the skin under my arm ( pits) by doing things like shaving, using anti-perspirant deodorant and the biggest mistake was NOT exfoliating. By making a paste of the products mentioned above and using a gentle yet sturdy pumice stone is making a world of difference. Be mindful that after you do this process its important to put some type of moisture back into the area.
* Breakouts ( peroxide 3-3.5%) As soon as you feel a breakout coming on apply using a cotton ball or q-tip doused in hydrogen peroxide to the area, let it stand for a few minutes after follow your normal facial wash routine. Of course moisturize afterwards!

I really hope this information helps someone. So many times we go searching for the the latest product, hottest trend in the stores when we have the tools and ability to heal ourselves. Hold on to that favorite product you have but still give this a try and compare. As always do what's best for you and if you do decide to try any of this out and it begans to irate your skin or body at any point stop immediately. Happy experimenting



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